Your Guide to the Network and Information System Directive

Discover the European cybersecurity regulatory framework with Belden.



The European Union’s Network and Information System Directive (NIS2) entered into force in January 2023. The first version of the NIS Directive was established in 2016. Despite the regulation, there are still significant differences in how cybersecurity measures are implemented and enforced among member states of the European Union (EU). The NIS 2 aims to set out a common regulatory framework to enhance the level of cybersecurity in the EU. Therefore, NIS 2 extends the scope of sectors as well as the minimum requirements for network and information systems. The Directive must be transposed into national law in EU member states by Oct. 17, 2024.


Increasing dependency on digital infrastructure is occurring in almost all areas of society. For example, due to the larger attack surface created by IT-OT convergence, the attack surface of OT environments increases and becomes target of cyberattacks. Intensifying cybercrime threats require an update and redesign of the legal framework to meet the current security requirements.


This white paper provides insights into the legal framework NIS 2 and explains how Belden can contribute with customized solutions that improve your cybersecurity posture.


What’s inside:

  • Facts& Figures about NIS 2
  • Obligations of NIS 2
  • How Belden Supports NIS 2 Implementation
  • An Overview of Belden’s cybersecurity solutions


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