integrated control system simulation and autonomous driving in smart city
traffic surveillance camera blurred cars

Enable smarter roads

As they gather data about traffic levels, tolls and road conditions, intelligent traffic systems (ITS) are changing the way society moves. While the benefits of ITS are clear, deployment isn’t always easy or straightforward. Many obstacles can stand in the way of making it possible to use real-time information from ITS to improve traffic efficiency and reduce traffic issues. Belden’s complete connection solutions for intelligent traffic system environments empower cities and municipalities to improve traffic flow and safety.
  • Our Capabilities
  • Network Resilience
  • Edge Computing
  • Network Convergence

Our Capabilities

The potential for intelligent traffic systems is huge. This technology can transform the performance and safety of roadways and drivers. But there’s no single way to deploy ITS, and outdated or poor-performing networks can’t support the bandwidth-intensive technology. Belden helps make smart roads possible. We can help your city, municipality or state authority support huge volumes of data coming from multiple sources at once so you can take a smarter approach to traditional roads.
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Revolutionizing Road Travel with Intelligent Traffic Systems

Discover examples of intelligent traffic systems in action and find out how they make road travel smarter, safer and more efficient.