Smart Buildings

A Look at Upcoming BICSI 004 Healthcare Standard Revisions

Matt Odell
When it’s updated later this year, the BICSI 004 healthcare standard will be usable for all healthcare facilities, not just hospitals.


While the mission of hospitals and healthcare institutions stays steady—to provide high-quality healthcare services—the technology, processes, and standards used to carry out that mission are ever-changing.


Today, robotic hands perform minimally invasive surgeries. 3D printers create implants and prosthetics. Patients connect with clinicians via video and share health metrics and test results through apps. Digital health records improve care coordination.


As healthcare facilities become increasingly connected, guidelines are needed for the design and implementation of their information and communications technology (ICT) systems. That’s where ANSI/BICSI 004, Information Communication Technology Systems Design and Implementation Best Practices for Healthcare Institutions and Facilities, comes in.


Written by healthcare end-users and system designers, BICSI 004 was first announced in 2012. It’s built on the foundation that ANSI/TIA-1179 provides for generic healthcare cabling. BICSI 004 goes beyond that standard, however, to address specialized requirements for other unique systems within healthcare, covering factors like bandwidth, network storage and transmission properties, as well as integration considerations.


For example, BICSI 004 includes information about systems like:

  • AV equipment
  • Medical imaging
  • Patient entertainment systems
  • Patient monitoring
  • Patient tracking (RFID)
  • Security and alarms
  • Surveillance cameras and monitors
  • Wired and wireless communications, such as nurse call systems


BICSI 004 Revision: What to Expect

Six years after its original publication date in 2012, BICSI 004’s first revision was published in 2018. It included the addition of information about optical LANs, telehealth spaces, digital signage, wayfinding, and other critical applications.


Now, BICSI 004 is set for its second revision. Here are some examples of what the revision will include when it’s released later this year.


Dedicated Sections for ICRA and ESS

Two topics covered in BICSI 004-2018 will now have their own section within BICSI 004.


ICRA (Infection Control Risk Assessment) 2.0, which is a process ensuring that patients, staff, and visitors are protected from infectious diseases, was originally included as an appendix. A section in BICSI 004 will now be dedicated to ICRA 2.0 compliance as new systems and infrastructure are deployed, mapping out steps to prevent infection.


Originally part of the section titled Other Information Communication Technology Systems, ESS (electronic safety and security) system design and implementation will now have its own section within the standard as well. It will cover access control, fire alarm, surveillance, intrusion detection, emergency communications, and paging systems in healthcare facilities.


New Chapters for Wireless, LMR, and Facility Design

As wireless communication becomes more prevalent in healthcare facilities, it will have a dedicated chapter within the BICSI 004 standard.


A form of wireless communication, LMR (land mobile radio), will receive its own chapter in the standard, too. These two-way communications systems use push-to-talk technology so users can quickly communicate with each other through radio transceivers. In healthcare, LMR systems are often deployed to connect medical personnel so they can coordinate care during emergencies, no matter where they are (in an ambulance, at the hospital, etc.).


In addition to new chapters for wireless and LMR, BICSI 004 will also include a new chapter for facility design. It will include general design information for healthcare facilities, plus facility information about integration.


More Information About AV, Cyber, and Healthcare Systems

To keep up with ever-changing healthcare technology trends and threats, more information will be added to existing BICSI 004 chapters for:

  • Cybersecurity, with guidelines on enhancing network security and protecting sensitive data through encryption, firewalls, segmentation, etc.

  • Healthcare system (nurse call, monitoring, imaging, etc.) design, implementation, and best practices

  • AV system infrastructure design considerations for telehealth and collaboration spaces, as well as specific information about displays, cameras, speakers, microphones, etc.


Miscellaneous BICSI 004 Updates

This year’s revision to BICSI 004 will also include a few other updates:

  • Significant updates to the requirements and recommendations for telecommunications spaces

  • Introduction of risk classes for all levels of design to align with NFPA 99 risk levels

  • Alignment with other mission-critical design principles (such as data center design principles) for consistency


Keeping You Updated on Healthcare Standards

When updated later this year, BICSI 004 will be usable for all types of healthcare facilities, not just hospitals. As a result of these updates, the standard is growing significantly, with 60 more pages being added in 2024.


As standards continue to change, our healthcare team will continue to keep you updated on revisions to BICSI 004 and other healthcare industry standards.


Learn more about our healthcare solutions.


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